Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Snowy Day

Well, I said I was hoping for another snow, and we got one.  Not a huge one, but at least as big as any we've had all year. 

Cooper and I went outside to check it out this morning.

Then Don, who is on vacation this week, came out to join us. 

You'd think someone who grew up in Iowa would know how to dress for snow a little better than this.  Maybe he's already put his winter clothes away for the year.

It's good we got out early because it was gone within a couple of hours.

And now I'm ready for warm weather.

Friday, March 22, 2013

A New Blog

As if I could even keep up with this blog, I have decided to do a second one as well.  This one seems to appeal mainly to friends and family, but not so much to the general public.  The focus of my new one is going to be my life as an older, stay-at-home mom, and some of the things I am learning as I go, things that might be helpful to others.

So, for those who are interested, you can find this new blog at www.pooroldtiredmama.blogspot.com.

I'm still planning to keep blogging on this one least as much as I have been, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it all.  You never know 'til you try!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Twenty-Nine Months Old

One of the things I was concerned about when I found out I was pregnant with Cooper was Don's and my age.  I thought we we would be "old geezer" parents, too old to have fun with our child.  Everyone told me, "he will keep you young," but I had my doubts.

The truth is, we WERE old geezers (sorry, Don) before Cooper came along.  And Cooper has, in many ways, restored our youth.

Who would have guessed I would go to Sky High, a local sportsplex and jump on trampolines all morning (okay, I was REALLY sore the next day, but it was so worth it!), or build forts and crawl inside (at least until my legs went to sleep and I felt like I was about to suffocate from lack of fresh air)?  I thought my days of climbing up on playground equipment, swinging on swings and sliding down slides were over, until now.  I didn't envision myself going to the lake and hanging out with the ducks and geese . . . just because.
Don probably didn't think he would be building with Lincoln Logs again.
Even our tortilla press has taken on a new life . . . as a laptop computer.

Most importantly, Cooper has brought joy and laughter to our home.  Not that we didn't laugh before, but there is a happy, silly, lightheartedness here now that wasn't here before.  Who would have ever thought that saying the word "thingamabobber" could be so funny??


We thank God every day for this little guy who has made us young again, who has brought us more joy that we could have imagined.  We look forward to the days and years ahead, watching him grow and learning and laughing right along with him.