Saturday, July 17, 2010

We're Not Telling!

Whenever I run into someone who I haven't seen in a while, the first question they ask me, once we talk about me being pregnant, is, "Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?" Well, I'll answer that one. Then comes the inevitable next question: "What's his name?" We've decided we're not going to tell anyone this, for two reasons: we reserve the right to change our minds (don't want any personalized gifts with the wrong name on them), plus we want to have something to announce when he's born. After all, "It's a boy!" will be old news by then.

Some people seem downright offended when I tell them this, and others badger me endlessly about it. So, I mostly just tell people now that we haven't decided yet, which is true. We thought we had a name we liked, and then I woke up in the middle of the night one night realizing all three names had 6 letters. After Ronald (Wilson) Reagan got accused of being the antichrist for the same reason (the 666 thing), I always thought I'd make a point not to do that. So, we're back to square one. At least for one of his names.

In other news, I just bought a new "wedding" ring. My hands are starting to swell, and my real one had gotten so tight that I was afraid if I waited much longer, I wouldn't be able to get it off. So, since I don't want to look like an unwed mother, I got a cheap one to wear until the baby is born. Unfortunately, cheap ones only come in full sizes, so this one is pretty huge. I may grow into it, though, if my hands swell any more.

I've passed the 6-month mark. Here's my latest photo: As you can see, my belly is getting quite large. I'm starting to feel handicapped: can't bend over to pick things up, have trouble getting up out of bed and other things that I have always taken for granted. And of course, it's going to get worse. But in 3 more months, I'll have my body back and a little baby as well, so I just keep reminding myself of that and try not to complain. Truly, I have much to be thankful for.


Pam said...

I don't blame you for not telling his name. Like you said, you've gotta have something fun to tell when he's born. And you won't miss the personalized gifts either. I have a lot of things that don't mean much to me but we're stuck with them b/c how can you give something that says *** to Goodwill? LOL You look great. Keep chugging along. When I was pg, I really enjoyed the fact that I'm kinda monkey toed and I can pick things up with my toes. Less bending over. LOL

Smelling Coffee said...

You look awesome, Jill! :-) And you don't owe one single person an explination as to why you aren't telling the baby's name. I totally agree with your decision to have some element of surprise.

Love you, girl~