Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Seven Months Old

What a handful Cooper is getting to be! He's still not officially crawling yet, but he gets around by rolling and scooting. He's learned to pull books off of shelves, tablecloths off of tables, and all sorts of other mischief.

But he's a joy. He smiles all the time, is learning to recognize things and respond. He loves to be read to and sung to and to go outside. He babbles and giggles and is forever doing "raspberries." He has three teeth now. And wild hair.He keeps me busy; I'm feeling my age a lot these days, but he's worth it all. We're so thankful to have him in our lives.


Pam said...

What a cutie patootie! Love those cute little cheeks! : ) I think I would really be feeling my age if I were taking care of a baby right now, so I so feel your pain. But I know it's worth every sore back and sleepless night too! : )

Smelling Coffee said...

Jill - I just can't believe it! He is such a cutie~ and I can see you in his sweet little face. When I see how old he is, it reminds me of how long we've been gone... maybe one day I can see you both again. ;-)

Love to you~