Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nine Months Old

Our little cutie is nine months old now. What a fun age! He keeps us busy, though, getting into everything. He's not quite crawling yet, but he gets around, sliding across the room on his belly in no time flat! We've put locks on the cabinets, covers on the outlets, and we're getting a lot of practice saying the word "no." He's starting to eat some of the things we eat and feed himself a bit (well, sort of).
We get so much joy in watching him become aware of things (like touching a cat for the first time and looking up at me with a smile on his face and wonder in his eyes). He loves to read. And read. And read. He especially loves touchy-feely books and those with flaps that he can lift and see a picture underneath.

At church the other day he spotted Don walking toward us and whispered "Da-da."
God is blessing us so much with this sweet baby boy! Some days we wonder if we're going to be able to keep up with him, but so far we have. Every day is an adventure, as we find out anew just how much we can love, and be entertained by, our little fellow.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Wow, he is getting so big! Cuteness! : )