1) The baby, which was stuck behind my pelvis and causing the problems I was having (including 2 hospital visits), has moved to where it is supposed to be. This is definitely answered prayer, because I was facing the possibility of surgery if it didn't happen on its own.
2) They said I would be less tired during my second trimester. They were wrong. I need to sleep A LOT. If I can get comfortable, that is, considering my ever-growing belly. Other than that, I am feeling pretty good.
3) Bible study has ended for the year, and so has my band, so I have more time on my hands. This is good, because I have to consolidate two of our bedrooms to make room for a nursery. (You'd think 2 people living in a 4-bedroom house would have plenty of room, but . . . no -- too much junk.) I'm hoping to have a garage sale later this summer.
4) My garden is pretty well planted and growing. It has been much harder to do this year, and I will probably skip the flowers and other non-necessities I've done in years past. I've gotten lots of strawberries already, though picking them is no easy task. The task of mowing the lawn has been turned over to Don for this year.
5) I was supposed to have an ultrasound this week to find out what I'm having, but the doctor postponed it for 3 weeks because of the problems I was having. So, I guess we'll find out then.
It seems everything in my life now revolves, directly or indirectly, around this big bulge in my mid-section. Guess I might as well get used to that . . .
Yep, you might as well get used to it. I'm sorry you're still feeling tired. I felt like the energizer bunny during the middle of my pg's. LOVED it! Glad some activities are winding down some so you can hopefully get a little more rest. :)
I am so glad little stevie moved himself where he should be.
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