Monday, June 7, 2010

It's a . . .

Yes folks, I'm still alive and well. Life has just turned crazy on me!

We had the "big" ultrasound today. It's a boy! It appears he's healthy, except there was a small concern that one of his kidneys was bigger than the other. They didn't pinpoint it as a problem, just something to watch, so we're hoping and praying that it's NOT a problem.

He's a feisty little guy, moving around constantly, making it hard for them to get a good look at what they needed to see. I already knew this, though, as he has been kicking me regularly for the past couple of weeks!

Here's another sneak preview of what he looks like:We don't have a name picked out yet. At least the news today narrows our options. (I guess "Holly" is out -- oh well; Don didn't like it anyway.)

I can't wait to meet him personally! The due date is still officially October 17, but they said he looked a little bigger than 21 weeks, so maybe he'll be born on my birthday: 10/10/10. ( :


Smelling Coffee said...

YEAH!!!!! Just happened to be on my google reader and saw this post appear. I'm SO excited for you! I just prayed for his kidneys... and know that the Lord is going to take good care of your little BOY!!! Love you, Jill~


Pam said...

Yep, Holly is out. LOL Awwww...boys are fun. : ) I'm so excited for you.