Monday, April 18, 2011

Six Months Old

Wow -- how time flies! Cooper has now passed the six month mark and is growing by leaps and bounds. He has covered a lot of milestones in the past few weeks: first tooth, baby food, sitting up, and with rolling over both ways he has developed his own form of transportation: rolling across the room, so I am continually having to go get him and bring him back. I guess he's preparing me for the crawling and walking days ahead.
Though he is keeping us busy, he is keeping us entertained too. Each day brings something new, and we're having a lot of fun finding out what it will be. The hugs, kisses, smiles and giggles are so rewarding -- what joy he is bringing to our lives!


Pam said...

Cuteness! Before long you will be hanging everything from the ceiling and you won't be able to keep up. Baby gates are your friend. : )

furiousfan said...
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