Friday, April 8, 2011


I wished a friend from my Bible study a happy birthday today. But I think that, rather than being happy, she is somewhat depressed because it is a "big one." (40, I assume) Well, that one has come and gone for me, but it made me realize that I really don't lament my birthdays anymore, not even the big ones. Since my friend Pam died of cancer at age 38, leaving behind 5 children, I know firsthand that none of us really knows how much time we have left. Every year, every day, every breath we take is a gift, not to be taken for granted. Now I am thankful for every birthday I have: another year to live, and now another year to raise my child and watch him grow.

So I encourage you, as I encouraged my friend today, not to dread your birthdays or even be depressed by them, but to use them as an opportunity to thank God for another year of life.

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