Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mr. Simpson

I was in the band in high school. We had a championship marching band, but I was never a very good clarinet player. And I felt like the director picked on me. I felt like he lowered my musical self-esteem so much, that I could never be a good musician. I respected him, but I really didn't like him. And deep in my heart, I have blamed him for my lack of musical ability all through the years.
A couple of years ago he joined Facebook. A number of my band friends "friended" him and suggested I do the same. I asked myself why I would want to friend someone who I never liked. But as I thought about it, I realized that most of my feelings toward him were based on my own teenage immaturity. So I decided to let bygones be bygones. And I friended him. And I stopped blaming him for things.
Less than a month ago he was diagnosed with lung cancer. I was genuinely sorry, and have been praying for him and his family. I even left a couple of notes on his Caringbridge site.
This morning, he died. And I am sad. Though my contact with him since high school has been limited, it is sad knowing he isn't there anymore. I'm sad for his family, but I'm glad for his sake that he didn't have to suffer long. And I sincerely hope he knew Jesus.
He actually taught me a lot, including a lesson in forgiveness.
Goodbye, Mr. Simpson. I'll miss you.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Oh that's so sad. I'm glad you friended him and worked through your feelings for him etc. So sorry for his family and those who knew him.