Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Day at the Zoo

We took Cooper to the Nashville Zoo today for the first time. It was a fairly nice August day, and we had a fun family outing.We had been reading a lot of books about animals, so I thought it was time he got a concept of what they actually looked like. The Nashville Zoo has an interesting selection of animals -- a few traditional ones: elephants, giraffes, lions and zebras, and a few less-traditional ones: a giant anteater, a porcupine, a guenon (whatever that is) and a tapir (huh?). We didn't see everything today, but we got a 1-year membership so we can go back anytime.The most fun part of me was getting to enjoy being a kid again as I got to watch Cooper seeing new things for the very first time.

1 comment:

Pam said...

The zoo was one of our favorite places when our girl was little. Just bright eyed anticipation of what we're going to see next. Enjoy. : )