Thursday, September 15, 2011

Eleven Months Old

My computer seems to have acquired a virus that has completely disabled it. I could write an ugly blog about that, but for now I'll just say that, until I get that resolved, I'm using Don's, which I don't know too much about and I'm therefore I'm short on new pictures of Cooper.

He's keeping me VERY busy. He's not quite walking, but he's crawling and cruising everywhere at an impressive speed. I am reminded of my advanced age on a daily basis as I seek to keep up with him. He's fun though, learning new things every day. The weather has been pretty, so we have been sitting outside a lot. Because we live near the airport, we see a lot of low-flying planes, which he loves. He has also developed a liking for snakes (which we read about in books and saw at the zoo) and has learned to hiss like one. He's eating all kinds of new foods and so far hasn't refused anything we have given him.
As his first birthday approaches, I am reminded of all that has transpired in the past year: some good, some bad, but true to His word, God has worked it all together for good. I am so thankful to be the mother of this precious child and enjoy each day that I get to spend with him, watching him grow and seeing even now how God's plan is unfolding in his life.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I think you might be roughly the same age as Antique Mommy when she had hers, so I you're in pretty good company! : ) He is growing up so much! vaca posts will be up soon.