Thursday, September 29, 2011

Imagination Library

Cooper loves to be read to. And I love reading to him. Not only is it educational for him, but it's a time to sit in the chair together, to be still, to snuggle and to interact. I have a goal of reading him at least 10 books per day, which we generally reach easily and often exceed.

A great source of books that I have discovered is Imagination Library, an organization started by Dolly Parton, that sends preschool-aged children a free book every month. We have been receiving books since January, and I look forward around the middle of every month to seeing what the next book will be. Cooper is too young to anticipate them or get excited about getting mail, but he very much enjoys having the books read to him.
This is a really cool program, and anyone can sign up on their website. It is only available in areas that have a sponsor, and our area, thankfully, is sponsored by Nissan. My hat goes off to Dolly Parton and the people who make this program possible.


Pam said...

That is so cool. Good for Dolly and all the kids she has helped to nurture a love for reading! : ) We read about her literacy venture while we were at Dollywood.

Melissa said...

We always loved getting our free monthly books! I was sad when they were no longer "preschoolers". You are a good mommy!!