Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nash Checks In

Hi. It's your old friend Nash again, checking in, as I like to do from time to time.

There's not too much new for me to tell. I still miss my dog-sister Dasha. Life just isn't the same without her. My dog-cousin, Lexie, came to visit at Thanksgiving, and we had a good time playing together. Here we are, both hoping for a bite of turkey (and yes, in the end, we both got some).

The family treats me well. Even the little guy isn't bad. He gets a little rough sometimes, but Mom and Dad always remind him to be gentle. Every now and then I have to growl a little to prompt them.

I feel like one of them for the most part, but sometimes I feel different, like when they all go someplace together and don't take me. We did all go for several nice walks over the Christmas holidays, while my dad was off of work. That was fun.

And speaking of Christmas, they didn't forget me. I found this dog in my stocking on Christmas morning. This picture was made that day. I have mostly destroyed it now.

I'm hoping for at least 1 good snow here before the winter is over. I always love playing in that.

Well, I guess I'll close. Happy New Year to everyone. I'll try to stop in again before too long.

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