Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fifteen Months Old

Our baby boy is fifteen months old now. It has been a fun month, with lots of new adventures. Of course, this month included Christmas, which brought its own kind of fun.
We have had a few pretty days recently, and made the most of one of them by going to the zoo with a friend of mine. Here she is with Cooper on the merry-go-round.
He is feeding himself pretty well now. Well, sort of. You may note that he has a spoon on his tray, but it didn't get put to much use. Oh well.
He LOVES to read, and constantly brings us books, handing them to us and then putting his arms up for us to put him in our lap.
Every day brings new things: new words, new skills, new experiences, or just a new understanding of how things work. Mom and Dad are having to learn as we go too, for new challenges are arising (did someone say toddler tantrums?). All in all, though, life is good and, as always, we are very thankful.


Pam said...

What a happy looking boy! And so cute..I so remember those days of the messies in the high chair. Fun times.

Unknown said...

cute boy :x