Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sixteen Months Old

Wow -- how time flies! I've been nearly a month without blogging. Chasing a toddler keeps you busy!
Not too much new to report for this month. Cooper is growing and changing every day, learning new things (and sometimes getting into trouble). We love him though, and we're learning to parent as we go, trusting God to teach us the right way to do it.
It's wintertime, and we've had our share of illnesses: stomach virus (Cooper and me) and now RSV and croup for Cooper. But this too shall pass. Spring is just around the corner. I'm looking forward to getting outside with him more so we can explore the world together, as I experience things anew through his eyes.
He is developing a love for animals (especially cats, it seems, much to Don's dismay). We have several books with animals in them that he carries around and looks at over and over, pointing out his favorites. He is learning to make some animal sounds too.
What a boy. What a joy. We are so thankful to be his parents.

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