Thursday, August 23, 2012

Twenty-Two Months Old

At twenty-two months, our little guy is growing by leaps and bounds.  His vocabulary has really picked up, and he is getting more independent. 

Here he is on the playground at Chick-fil-a.  This was a big step for ME, to let him do it.  I am very claustrophobic and knew if I let him go up there, there was a chance he may get stuck and I would have to go in there and get him.  I did wait until Don was with us to let him go all the way in, and as it turned out, he did fine.

He is a little cautious about climbing on things, which is okay with me.  We discovered a new indoor playground at a local church, which is open to the public.  This is great for days when the weather isn't nice.  It has about 5 levels of things to climb on, but so far Cooper has only gone to the second level, and he doesn't stay up there for long.  He likes to have his feet on the floor.  I'm sure it won't be long before he'll be at the top though.

We built a bubble fort one day with a sheet and a fan.  Kind of cozy inside, but I got a headache from having that fan blowing right on me for so long. 

His eating skills are improving too.  Well, most of the time.

We've had lots of nice weather.  It seems that June was our hot month and August, which is usually really hot, has been pretty nice this year.  We have gotten outside a lot, which Cooper loves to do.  Hopefully we'll have a lot of nice weather in the coming months.

So, all in all, life is good, and as always, we have much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Pam said...

He's getting so big! Glad we've had a milder summer this year. We have also enjoyed it being not-quite-so-sweltering this year. : )