Monday, September 24, 2012

Twenty-Three Months Old

Wow, what a month it's been!  Cooper is growing up so fast, learning so many new things!  His talking has increased dramatically.  He can say almost anything now, though still just one word at a time usually.

He loves to work puzzles and can keep himself entertained for longer periods of time than ever before, which is nice for me.

We have had lots of nice weather lately, so we have been spending as much time outside as we can.

Don and I celebrated our 7th anniversary in August (which was also Don's birthday).  We went to dinner at Hermitage Steak House to mark the occasion.  Yes, Cooper went with us. ( :

We had our first day back at Community Bible Study in late August.  Cooper is in the 2-year-old class this year, which means he is taught Bible stories, and gets to sing, do crafts, etc., which I am very excited about.  He loves to go.  Here he is on the first day, with his "pack." 

I can't believe he will soon be two.  Time is passing quickly, but we are enjoying every day of it!

1 comment:

Pam said...

So glad he can go to a big boy class at CBS now. I'm sure he will love it and come home with many seeds planted in his tiny little heart. He's getting so big. Love the updates. Happy Anniversary, too. : )