Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I just don't know how I feel about Halloween.  I have read a lot and talked to a lot of different people, and the perspectives vary widely, even among Christians.  I've heard everything from it's evil and we should have no part of it, to it's just for fun and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.  Up until now it wasn't really a problem for me not to take a stand either way, but now I have a child to raise.  This year, he doesn't really know the difference, but likely by next year, I will need to make a decision about what I am or am not going to let him do.  Don leans more toward the "harmless" end of things.

For the last month or so, a number of people have asked Cooper what he was going to be for Halloween.  He gives them a blank look.  He doesn't even know what they're talking about.  Rather than get into a philosophical discussion, I just tell them that he isn't going because he doesn't know any different yet, he has never had candy before, and I don't want to start him on that before he is old enough to even care.  Which is true.  Why feed a kid something that is bad for him when a bowl of applesauce is a "treat" to him?

But in the end, I did cave a little and decided to go to a celebration at a local church called "Awesome Autumn."  After all, someone had given us a cute doggy costume that just fits Cooper right now, and it all sounded like something he would enjoy.  Maybe this type of thing will be a good compromise for future years as well.
They had "trunk"-or-treating, plus hayrides, "bouncy things" to jump in (I couldn't get a good picture of that), games and even donkey rides.  It was a nice day (though a little windy), and we all went and had a really good time.  There was nothing scary or potentially evil involved.

I'll be giving out candy on Halloween night.  I figure maybe it's a good way to minister to our neighbors in some sense.  Anyway, hopefully Cooper won't feel like he's missing out on anything.  And maybe by next year I'll have made a prayerful decision about how I'm going to handle it all.

1 comment:

Pam said...

We didn't to 'it' at all when the kids were little. And she was ok with that. Now she dresses up and goes to a friend's party. She enjoys the socialization. : ) She went as Abby from NCIS this year...recycling her old private school plaid skirt. A very modest, non tattooed version of Abby. Turned out cute. And she had a nice time. : )