Monday, January 28, 2013

Twenty-Seven Months

The twos are an interesting time.  Some days I know exactly why they call them the "terrible twos," and some days I love them.  Yes, this age can be challenging, but it is also fun.  Cooper and I are communicating!  He's talking more and more every day and, while I can't always understand what he is saying, we're making progress.  He's learning so fast too!  It amazes me from day to day what he has picked up.

He's big into music right now.  He loves the keyboard he got for Christmas, and is also interested in other types of instruments.  (The mini drum set is at a drum store, and the man with the guitar is a friend at church.)
Interestingly, he seems to love written music too.  I have four hymnals that he gets out nearly every day and carries around, opening them up to various pages or sometimes bringing them to me, wanting me to sing a song or play it on his keyboard.  His favorite hymn is "Good Christian Men Rejoice."  I have never known that to be ANYBODY's favorite hymn, but I guess that's what makes us all unique!  He learned it on one of his videos.

I haven't taken too many pictures this month because he REFUSES to smile for, or even look at, the camera.  Oh well.

As for the rest of us, we're plugging along.  I'm always glad when we're through January; it's my least favorite month.  February at least brings some hope of springtime, though, I'll have to say, we've had a pretty mild winter so far.  I'm kind of bummed because we didn't have any real snow last year or this year, so Cooper has never gotten to play in it before.  We may have some yet, though.  I'm holding out hope for ONE good one.  That's all.  I'll be done after that.

I had the flu a couple of weeks ago, but other than that (and Don's little incident in December), we've all stayed pretty healthy so far.  Hopefully that trend will continue.

All in all, we're doing well.  Life is good, and we have much to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Pam said...

He's getting so big. I know I say that every time, but it's true. : ) We got snow one year on Valentine's Day, so there is hope. We have had a dusting of snow once this season and we continue to have days of actual winter temps. Maybe we will both get a snow day before it's over. : )