Saturday, February 23, 2013

Twenty-Eight Months Old

It's been quite a month, in a lot of ways.  Weatherwise, Cooper got to experience his first snow.  It was kind of a rip-off, really.  It was just a dusting and too cold in the morning (19 degrees) to go out and play in it anyway.  Then the sun came out and melted it all.  At least we went out for a little while and walked around in it, though.  He didn't like getting it on his shoes. ( :
We've had some nice weather too.  We go to a nearby park and play every chance we get (that is my dad pushing Cooper in the swing).  One day we went to the lake for a while.

For those days that aren't so nice, a church not too far from us has a nice indoor playground that is free and open to the community.  It is 5 stories high, and for the first time, last time we went, Cooper ventured all the way to the top.

My mom came over one night for a post-Christmas gingerbread man decorating session. Cooper had fun decorating it with her, and then we all had fun eating it!
Here he is in his hoodie, which Don's mom made for him.  I LOVE it and am sad that he will probably have outgrown it by next year.
We've stayed fairly healthy, though Cooper had a cold that apparently led to a minor respiratory tract infection, which he had to be on antibiotics for.

We're starting to see some signs of spring -- daffodils blooming and our yard is going to need to be mowed before too long.  I'm going to try to have a garden this year.  I'll need to get started plowing it up pretty soon.  We can't rule out more cold weather, though (and I'm still kind of secretly hoping that we'll get a better, but short-lived, snow, so Cooper can play in it for real).

Cooper is growing and changing every day.  When I look at pictures from even just a few weeks ago, I can see a huge difference.  It's bittersweet; I want him to grow up, but a part of me wants to hold on to his babyness too.  All I can do is treasure each day, and I am trying to do just that.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Isn't that always the way when it snows. Too scant a covering and/or too short lived to get out in it. I secretly hope for a snow day every winter. We had one dusting enough to cover the ground but it was gone in a heart beat. He is getting so big. There will be pics of him with the flowers and garden before ya know it.