Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's Now or Never

Dear Representative Cooper,

I am writing to urge you to vote AGAINST the healthcare bill that is coming up in the next few days. This bill would force those of us who believe abortion is a crime against children and against God to pay for others to have them. It is bad enough that our country allows such a heinous thing as abortion to be legal, but to force our God-fearing citizens to pay for them is beyond reprehensible. This country was founded for the sake of freedom, and I believe this bill, if passed, will take away many of the freedoms that our founding fathers worked for and our soldiers died for through the years. Again, as a voter in your district, I plead with you to vote AGAINST this bill.


I urge you to write a similar letter to your Representative . The vote will be coming up in the next few days and could be life-changing. You can go here to write your Representative, or here to find out information about how to call them. And please pray! We are at a crossroads in our country's history, and these next few days are vital!

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