Friday, February 20, 2009

A Challenge for You

We have been studying Creation in our Sunday School class, and it has been eye-opening. Many of us grew up in public schools that subtly incorporated evolution into their curriculum, and which our young, impressionable minds may well have accepted as truth. Media today regularly slips in references to evolutionary theories as if they were well-established facts. Why? Because they deny God's existence. To accept Him as Creator is to acknowledge that you will one day be held accountable to Him (though not accepting it doesn't change this fact).

My dad has been especially convicted by this class, as he is realizing that he has been believing things that society has told him but are not in line with what the Bible says. He asked that I put this on my blog as a challenge to my readers to find out the truth for yourselves:


Do you truly believe this, or has your mind been cluttered up with evolution and other theories? Let me make a suggestion to you – reread Genesis, but before you do, get down on your knees and ask the Lord to reveal His Truth to you. I believe you will get a different perspective than you have, not only on Genesis but other scripture as well.

Let me know your results! E-mail


Pam said...

I am reading Genesis right now. I believe it with my whole heart but then if I listen to a 'scientist' or somebody like that talk about some rock formation (or whatever) that happened gump-teen jillion years ago, it used to want to mess me. Not saying that I questioned the belief, just what to do with that conflicting info. Someone said something to me one time.. it wasn't all that profound a thing, but it struck me and stays with me when ppl bring up these things. He said that God created things with age. See I told you it wasn't that profound. lol But in a way it is.. and something we don't think about I guess. He created Adam and Eve.. not as babies.. as adults.. with age. Why could he not, when the world was 'new', create it with age as well. He made all the things on the earth including mountains etc that 'those science ppl' want to explain away. He made them with age. Gee whiz.. did I get off point??? Anyway.. I see what you're saying though because it can be a trap to decide how to deal with conflicting info sometimes. : )

Jill said...

I never thought about God creating things with age. Cool concept. I also believe scientists could easily be incorrect in their calculations of light years, carbon dating, etc. Another interesting things we have learned in the class is how Noah's flood or other catastrophic events could have caused some of the formations that scientists claim take millions of years.