Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Moral Dilemma

I have been hunting for a part-time job for quite a while now. Not desperately, as I have one that I like well enough, but they have cut my hours down to almost nothing, so I need more income.

One thing on my mental list of ideal jobs would be to work at the Hermitage, the home of President Andrew Jackson. Not only is it within walking distance of my house (I don't enjoy driving), but I love history, and it would be an honor to work at this historical landmark.

I recently saw an ad in the paper that said the Hermitage was looking for someone who loves history to come "tell stories" to visitors there. I was excited and quickly e-mailed my resume with a cover letter. The man e-mailed me back and seemed interested in me, but told me it would sometimes involve working on Sundays.

People have different ideas about the Sabbath day and how it should be observed. It is necessary for some people to work that day (doctors and nurses, pastors, policemen, etc.), but I have always felt God leading me personally to set that day aside for worship, rest and fellowship. I had to tell the man that if Sundays were required, I would not be able to take the job.

There are times when it seems easier to take matters into my own hands than to obey God's word and trust Him to provide for me. This could have been one of them, but in the end I know I made the right decision. I have to believe that there is a job for me out there, and that God will open the door at just the right time.

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Jill~ I'm praying that God will honor your obedience to not work on Sundays and bring to you the very perfect job for you. OR, make the Hermitage accept your restriction on working on Sundays and hire you anyway! :-)