Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Blog!

It was one year ago today, 276 blogs ago, 5443+ hits ago (I didn’t start counting right away), that I started blogging. We’ve come a long way, baby! When I started I was clueless. I have always had a passion for writing, though I didn’t think I would have anything to say that anyone would care to read. I still believe that may be true, but at least I’ve had fun and learned a lot about myself. I’ve become quite a photographer too!

I’ve had hits from all over the world. It seems certain entries draw the greatest number (per my Site Meter). Interestingly, my Southern Fried Apples recipe has probably had more hits than any other. Thanks, Google! (They apparently send people my way when they search for certain topics.) Ellington Agricultural Center has had quite a few hits too. There is a fair amount of interest in things like Community Bible Study and Cedar Creek Community Band. I guess people like getting the “inside scoop” on things like that.

Thanks to all my readers, those who read faithfully every day, as well as those who stop in regularly and get caught up! I would also like to thank my “stalkers.” (I heard someone use this term once describing people who read your blog and never tell you.) I don’t mind (better to have an anonymous reader than no reader at all), though I would love to hear from you! ( :

Another year? I hope so. Blogging has been a great experience for me. I have grown as a writer and hope to continue to. Your comments really help me know what people enjoy reading about and what they don’t, so please keep them coming.

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Happy Blog birthday, Jill! I'm glad you are blogging. I feel like I get to visit with you, even though I don't see you often these days. ;-)