Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Beginning

So, 2008 has come and nearly gone. A new year will soon begin.

A new year is a time of new beginnings, a time to re-evaluate your life and set "resolutions," if you’re into that. In spiritual terms, it’s a time to listen to the Holy Spirit tell you what areas of your life He needs to do some work in.

So what do I need to do differently?

I definitely need to get healthier, primarily by eating healthier, but taking care of myself in other ways too. After all, I’m not getting any younger.

I need to spend less time on the computer. It’s become an obsession. I may start just blogging only when I have something useful to say, like a normal person. Several people have complained that they have a hard time keeping up with me anyway, and some days I just write something for the sake of posting it. So maybe I’ll spare you on those days. I definitely need to spend less time on Facebook. It’s fun and a good way to keep up with people, but it needs a limit.

I also need to control my tongue better. I have gotten way too lax about saying what I think (but not in love), being judgmental of others and otherwise running off at the mouth in ways that are not pretty. I am prayerfully going to try to be better at this in the coming year. This involves a heart check as well, ". . . for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34).

Over the holidays especially, I feel like my life has gotten out of control, but it’s time to rein myself in, quit blaming the holidays and get serious.

I wish all of you, my readers, a very happy 2009!

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Jill - I'm going to join you in trying to get healthier in this new year! (I tried it last year, but by March, gave up!) A new year, a new day, maybe a new me???

Happy New Year, friend!