Monday, December 29, 2008

A Scary Christmas Gift

This is what Don got me for Christmas this year.

I wanted one. Well, sort of. Unfortunately, I think our world is becoming such a place that I may need one. I hope I’m wrong.


I’m a little scared of it, but I guess that’s healthy. My dad and Don both asked me if I would be able to pull the trigger if I was in a situation where I needed to. I think I could, but I wouldn’t know for sure unless it happened. And I hope it never does. I’m certainly not anxious to take a life, but if someone was threatening my life or that of someone I loved, I suppose I could if I had to.


I’ve been reading the safety manual, and we’re planning to go to the firing range soon and learn to use it. I learned to shoot a rifle pretty easily, so I have a fair amount of confidence that I can learn to shoot this too. Hopefully target practice is all I will ever get to do with it. It’s one gift I don’t want to need.


Smelling Coffee said...

You go, girl!

I've taken a blogging break - and you've been busy!!! Looking forward to catching up on your other posts...

Love to you! Jen

Angie said...

I've been out of the blog world for a while now being busy with Christmas get togethers, cooking, wrapping, traveling, etc. etc. I've caught up on your blogs...they are great. Hope you had a great Christmas. I hope you don't have to use your "gift", but I'm like you...if I had to...