Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top 10 Things I Did In 2008 That I Had Never Done Before

1. Learned to shoot a rifle
2. Bought a laptop computer
3. Went to Brown County State Park in Nashville, Indiana
4. Led Community Bible Study, first as an adult Core group leader, then as a children’s leader
5. Started blogging
6. Went to see the Nashville Symphony at the Schermerhorn Center, twice
7. Joined Facebook and connected with lots of old friends
8. Voted for a presidential ticket that included a woman
9. Paid more than $4/gallon for gasoline
10. Bought clothes at Goodwill

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Looks like it was a "Banner" Year! :-) I like the idea of thinking of a list of new things accomplished. Wonder what's in store for 2009???