Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Parade

I haven't done one of these in YEARS! But last Saturday I took part in the Mt. Juliet (a Nashville suburb) Christmas parade with my community band. We played "We Need a Little Christmas" over and Over and OVER.

Honestly, I was dreading it. The forecast originally predicted a high of 40, and since this parade was in the morning, I figured it would be 30-35. Not exactly weather that makes you want to spend a couple of hours outside riding on the back of a truck.

In the end they changed the high to 48. I bundled up, and we were pretty cozy on the back of the truck, and all in all, it was fun! We all wore Santa hats and acted silly. We waved at people when we weren't playing. Many of them waved back and smiled.
I'm in the front row, right in the middle, with the red socks and white shoes.
Several people I know said they saw me riding by, and our band got a lot of good comments about how we sounded. Now I'm hoping we'll do it again next year. Really, I am!

1 comment:

Pam said...

How fun! I'm glad you didn't freeze to death out there. I love it when something turns out to be more fun than we originally thought. : )

Yes... a Grinch countdown would be nice, wouldn't it?! Because we do need a little Christmas! : )