Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Aughts in Review

No one really seems to know what to call this decade that began with the year 2000 (remember Y2K?) and ends today. The first decade of the 1900’s was known to many as “The Aughts,” a term that has mostly fallen out of use now, but some use it to refer to this decade, for lack of a better term. I happen to like it, so, “The Aughts” it is.

I’ve been thinking back through the decade over the last few days, and I believe I can say it was my best one yet. Of course there have been a few bad times, but far more good ones.

Beginning on January 2, 2001, my nieces and nephew came into my life one by one. God hasn’t given me any children of my own so far, but I am so thankful for these children whose lives I can be a part of, watching them grow and learn and building relationships with each one of them.

Also in 2001, I joined Weight Watchers and lost 90 pounds, mostly during that year. I had come to the conclusion that I was destined to be a “fat” person, that nothing could change that, but thankfully, I was wrong. I do still struggle with my weight and have gained some of it back, though I have kept a substantial portion of it off and now know I am capable of losing the rest if I choose to.

I had been in Bible Study Fellowship since the late 90’s, and during the ‘00-’01 and ‘01-’02 years, I was asked to be treasurer, which required me to stand up in front of as many as 300 people every few weeks and give a brief report. At first I was terrified, but as time went on, I became more comfortable. During the ‘02-’03 and ‘03-’04 years I was a discussion group leader, a time of huge spiritual and personal growth. This experience was also where I met Ramelle, the friend who would ultimately introduce me to . . .

Don. We began dating in March of ’04, and in August of ’05, we were married. At nearly 39, I had pretty much given up on the idea of ever getting married, but God is faithful. His choice for a mate for me was far better than any I could have ever made, and though we may not fully understand His timing in this life, it is perfect. I am so thankful that I am going into this next decade with Don by my side.

Shortly after we were married, Don gave me a birthday gift that I had wanted for a long time: a flute. I took lessons, and while it has been a challenge for me (and I am not as dedicated as I should be), it has been a great experience to be able to play along with Don on our church’s worship team and also be a part of a community band.

I have had my dog Dasha since 1998, but in early 2007, Nash arrived and turned our world upside down. The first year with him was a huge challenge, but he has since turned out to be a really good dog who brings a lot of joy and laughter into our home.

In mid-2008 I started to blog. Though I only have a handful of faithful readers (and I appreciate every one of you!), it has been a great outlet for me to express myself in ways that I can’t always do verbally. Those who do read say they feel they know me much better now, and I have also enjoyed reading the blogs of others and getting to know them better.

This decade has also brought some sadness. I have lost several loved ones, including my grandmother, my friend Pam and her daughter Ashley. Even in my grief though, this makes me all the more thankful for my salvation, as I look forward to seeing each of them, as well as other loved ones, again in heaven.

So many other things have happened during this decade -- too many to mention, of course, but the changes have helped me grow in my faith, as well as bringing me joy, peace and confidence, not in them, but through them. God is good. He has brought me a long way, and I look forward to seeing what He will do in my life in The Teens!


Pam said...

I had totally forgotten that these were 'the aughts'. I've heard the older folks say that but had kinda forgotten that we're in the aughts again. lol

What a ten years you've had. Good for you on your weight watchers journey! woo hoo! Love your wedding pic and the pic of the nieces and nephew too. Too cute.

Happy new year, friend!

Smelling Coffee said...

I loved reading about your decade. So glad God crossed our lives, Jill. Happy New Year!
