Saturday, December 5, 2009

To Tree

We couldn't decide whether to put a tree up this year or not, for a couple of reasons. So I put as my status on Facebook: "To tree or not to tree, that is the question. . ." and explained my dilemma. The response was overwhelming: "Tree!" A few people suggested we get an artificial tree instead of a real one because they are less trouble.

Now, that is something I thought I would never do. They're just not the same. But this year we broke down and did it. Mind you, we still don't plan to put it up every year, but for this year, it will have to do. And it's not bad. With lights and ornaments, and a pine-scented candle burning, it's still Christmasy. It's a little smaller than what we usually get, so we had to pick and choose our favorite ornaments, but it's okay. I'm glad we decided to tree. Even in an artificial sense.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I understand the 'to tree or not to tree' sentiment. Sometimes I think we look forward to when we can get away with that. But I'm always glad I did it when it's up, so I'm happy to see your smiling face with your (fake) tree up. (personally I think fake is the way to go)