Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's a CHRISTMAS Tree!

A Jewish friend of mine wished me a "Merry Christmas" yesterday. She didn't get offended. I have had a number of Jewish friends through the years, and none of them would have hesitated to wish me a Merry Christmas. If any of them came into my home, they would have commented on my Christmas tree. They may have even sent me a Christmas card or given me a Christmas gift. And I am happy to wish them a Happy Hanukkah as well.

So why is it taboo to use the word "Christmas"? Who, exactly, is offended by it? My latest pet peeve is going in Wal-Mart and seeing "holiday" trees, candy, cards, gifts, etc. I think Wal-Mart has actually made a point not to sell anything with the word "Christmas" on it, though they certainly don't mind profiting from the season's sales. The weatherman tells you what the weather will be for your "holiday travels." There is even "holiday music" playing on the radio.

If you are going to put up a tree, aren't you celebrating Christmas? And if you are going to celebrate Christmas, how can you not call it that? If you don't want to acknowledge Christmas, then don't celebrate it! Don't buy a tree or gifts, sing carols or send cards. Because it's Christmas, and it's our holiday, and I refuse to call it anything else just because there are a few people in the world who are offended by a word that contains the name of Christ, even though they are celebrating His birth.

So, I may be the only one to do it this year, but I would just like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Mel said...

Well said! Merry Christmas Jill!

Pam said...

Merry Christmas to you too!

We were out for a little bit of shopping today and it was a mad house...and I was just thinking the same thing... stores sure don't mind Christmas putting them 'in the black' but then turn around and call it a holiday. Weird.

On a strange and sort of funny note...when we traveled over Thanksgiving we went to Kmart. We walked through the Christmas yard display stuff and there was a light up PIG and it said 'holiday pig' on the box! Just exactly what IS a holiday pig? It was one of those times I was wishing I had my camera. Ya just can't make that stuff up. lol