Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fly Paper

Some things in life are just too simple.
You may remember me blogging about my fruit fly problem last summer. They nearly drove me crazy! Well, they're back with a vengeance.

I'm still smashing them one by one, but they multiply faster than I can kill them. I have tried a carnivorous plant. I haven't actually seen this plant eat any of them, so I'm not sure if it's helping or not.

I hung up my Amish bug catcher, which actually works moderately well, but not well enough to put a dent in my problem. The idea is you put fruit in here, and they fly in through a hole in the bottom and they can't fly back out. Please ignore how badly our door needs to be painted. Our dog Nash likes to keep it scratched up for us.

After my family came over for dinner this week and got fruit flies in their face, their food and everywhere else you could imagine, my brother suggested fly paper. Hmmm. Sounds too easy, but I was ready to try anything. I went to the store; it was remarkably cheap -- less than $2.00 for 6 rolls. I hung a strip in my kitchen window and within a few hours, it was covered! And my house was nearly free of fruit flies . . . living ones, that is. I won't gross you out by showing you a close up shot, but gross as it is, I would rather look at that than deal with the fruit flies. It even collected a couple of house flies too.

I put another strip on my bunny's cage (they seem to like her too), and it's doing its job. She is happy as a lark. I haven't seen her in such a good mood in a long time. Apparently they bothered her as much as they did me.

So if you, like me, have a house that's plagued with fruit flies, I encourage you to try this simple remedy.

1 comment:

Pam said...

That is great! I would have NEVER thought to buy fly paper. Next time they get bad here I'm gonna try it!

I will tell you... I had a gnat problem really bad a while back and my exterminator told me to get a (I know this sounds awful but stay with me here) new toilet bowl brush and swirl it inside your garbage disposal. You will be amazed at the nasty stuff that grows/lives under the flap of it! And then rinse well and run some ice through it. Within a week of doing that, the gnats were gone. I had NEVER heard of washing the disposal like that either, but it worked! : )