Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fun in the Snow

While we didn't enjoy the drive to Iowa in the snow, we did have some fun times playing in it while we were there. Nash, our 3-1/2 year old dog, had never seen more than a dusting of snow, so this was a new experience for him (which he loved!), and Dasha, nearly 12, acted like a pup again! I guess Don and I sort of acted like kids too, sledding and romping with the dogs.
P.S. Happy birthday to my niece, Grace. Thanks for making me an aunt on that cold night nine years ago! ( :

1 comment:

Pam said...

I love this! We had a poodle when I was growing up and he LOVED being out in the snow. We have many pics of him with a snow beard and mustache. Glad your pups loved it too. Good to see you both having such a good time! : )