Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My husband Don loves winter. He says in heaven, it will be winter year ‘round. I say he must be going to a different heaven than me. But in order to be a good wife, and an optimist, I’ve decided to try to come up with a list of 10 good things about winter. So, here goes:

1) chili
2) flannel sheets (my mother-in-law gave us a set for Christmas, which we love!)
3) fires (if you have a fireplace, which we don’t)
4) getting snowed in (when everyone is safe at home)(doesn’t happen much here)
//(I’m really trying here, folks),
5) hot chocolate (preferably with either marshmallows or a peppermint stick)
6) seeing the days start to get longer once 12/21 is past (see how hard I’m trying?),
7) not having to mow the grass (even though I like to mow the grass)
8) getting to play in the snow with my dogs and go for walks in it (if we have any, which we rarely do)
9) big, bulky sweaters, and
10) knowing spring is just around the corner

Wow, I did it. Well, sort of. I guess. But that doesn't mean I'm not still counting the days 'til spring! There are 75.

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