Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Funk

They say January is the most depressing month of the year. I can’t completely disagree. The frenzy we all work ourselves into during the Christmas season is past. The weather is cold and dreary. The days are short. We realize how much money we spent and how much weight we gained during the holidays. What were we thinking?

I’m not writing this to depress you, but just to explain that I’m in my annual January funk, and besides that, I have a nasty cold. My brain is dead, and I have really nothing to say.

So I’m going to shut up. Now.


Pam said...

I agree with you about January. It's just so blah. I'm glad to see Christmas come and go, and even though I like the new year, sometimes I feel like I'm staring down a certain anniversary date. I don't think that way very often, but it creeps in. Mostly I just try to remember that the new year will bring spring! Eventually. lol

Mel said...

I think I have the funk too. Haven't felt like blogging or talking much and missing your blogs. The sunshine lately has helped a little bit. My funk was always worse when we lived in Boone where the color gray didn't leave from November until March. I am trying to be thankful and that has also helped a bit. Love you and hope to see you soon!