I thought I could win her over. After all, I have a "way" with animals.
I picked her up. She bit me. I tried to pat her. She attacked me, snarling and clawing.
I learned that bunnies don’t like for you to stick your hands in their cage. I learned that it is better to adopt them when they are very young and haven’t developed a fear of humans. I learned that they chew things up, such as carpet and electrical cords. I learned that just because you have a way with dogs, cats and hamsters, doesn’t mean you have a way with bunnies. And I learned that a bunny won’t do when what you really want is a puppy.
They do have a few good qualities. They are low-maintenance. Ours began using a litter box
Other things to know about bunnies: they need to be given straw and fresh fruits and vegetables regularly. Their teeth grow constantly, so they need to chew on wood or rabbit toys to wear them down. They thump with their back foot when they are afraid, not a soft little bunny thump
She has gotten a little sweeter as she has gotten older and will let me stick my finger in her cage and rub her head (for hours if I’m willing). She has actually taken to Don better than she has to me (even though I am the one who feeds her and cleans her litter box) and will come up to him when she’s out of the cage and let him pet her. She will still scratch and bite if I try to pick her up, so I have basically learned not to do that unless necessary.
If you are considering getting a bunny for a pet, I would only recommend that you be sure you know what you’re getting into before you do it.
She is a cute little thing. Maybe she just started PMS a little early?? What are your thoughts about parakeets?? Andy said I couldn't mention it to him for two weeks and then we'd talk turkey...I mean budgie (a.k.a. parakeet).
Awwww..she looks just like this rabbit Britt had when she was little named Penny. She took that little bunny everywhere on a leash and it would even ride in the basket on her bike. It was a very sweet bunny!
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