Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cell Phones

You probably don’t have my cell phone number. If I have ever given it to you, you have probably discarded it by now for lack of use, because my phone is always off. My family frequently gives me grief about this.

When did I become so important that I have to be reachable 24/7 anyway?

It is irritating to me when I am spending time with someone and they stop to answer their phone, get engaged in another conversation, and ignore me. Why would I do that to anyone else? I am also annoyed by people who are driving at half the speed limit, drifting over lane lines or performing other stupid traffic maneuvers, and they are so tied up in a cell phone conversation that they are completely oblivious to it, or to the fact that I am glaring at them.

I understand that there are situations where cell phones are necessary or useful, and for that reason I actually have one. If I have car trouble or some other problem and need to call for help, or if I am stuck in traffic and need to let someone know I’ll be late, or if I get lost and need directions, it is available.

If someone specifically asks me to turn it on for a certain occasion, I usually do, but otherwise, it remains off. I don’t have to charge it nearly as often that way.

So, if you need me, please leave a message at my house. Better yet, send me an e-mail. I check both pretty regularly, and I will be happy to get back with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I respect your reasons, but I am far too likely to be the one on the phone in traffic with four children hollering in the back seat, lol..........had a blast last night.......hugs