Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter is my favorite holiday. I love it because it’s in the springtime, and the new life all around us reminds me of the new life that Jesus offers us by His death and resurrection.
Not all of my reasons are spiritual. I love it because of Easter egg hunts. How is that for someone who doesn’t like Christmas because it’s way too commercialized? But Easter isn’t commercialized like Christmas is. The whole world doesn’t go crazy for a month or more at Easter. There is no pressure to give gifts. Easter egg hunts don’t distract me from its true meaning. They’re just a fun way to celebrate.
I love going to church on Easter. I love the music that we play and sing. I love seeing everyone all decked out in their new Easter clothes. I love that we can wear white now.
Most of all I love it because Jesus it alive. I will never tire of hearing the story of the women going to the tomb and finding it empty and the angel telling them, "He is not here, for He is risen!" It is such a joyful day, not just for those women when they finally believed, but for all of us who believe as well. Because He conquered death, we too can live eternally.
May your Easter be beautiful, and may you truly celebrate the eternal life that Jesus offers you because He defeated death, once and for all!

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Happy Easter to you and your family! Love you... Jennifer