Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flag Day Quiz

Today is Flag Day. How much do you know about Flag Day and the American flag? Just for fun, I've designed a little quiz to test your knowledge:

1) Who is credited with designing the first flag?

2) What U.S. state celebrates Flag Day as a state holiday?

3) Our flag was made official on June 14 of what year?

4) What U.S. president signed into an Act of Congress that National Flag Day be observed every June 14th?

5) The 50 stars on the flag represent what?

6) The 13 stripes represent what?
1) Betsy Ross.
2) Pennsylvania.
3) 1777.
4) Harry S. Truman, in 1949. You get half credit if you said Woodrow Wilson, who issued a proclamation to establish it in 1916.
5) The 50 states that are bound together into one country.
6) The 13 original colonies.
How did you do?

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