Monday, June 15, 2009

How Do You Know the Will of God?

What do you do when you have to make a decision? As Christians, we should always seek God’s answer. But how do you find it?

It’s not always completely clear in Scripture. And while I am sometimes confident I am hearing God’s voice, there are other times when I don’t feel I can hear it at all.

I once heard someone speak on this. I never forgot her principles, and refer to them regularly when I am seeking God’s will on something.

1) God’s will never contradicts scripture. If you think God is telling you to do anything that His word expressly forbids, you can rule out that it is from Him. This is why it is important to study His word and hide it in our hearts.

2) Seek the counsel of Godly friends. They may often have good advice to give you. But again, make sure their wisdom lines up with scripture.

3) Watch for circumstances. Are things falling into place, or are you having to fight every step of the way? As you prayerfully seek His will, God will open and close doors for you. This is not to say that following His will is always going to be easy, but if you are seeking Him, He will enable you to do what He has called you to do.

God has a plan for all of our lives. He gives us all common sense for making day-to-day decisions. He gives us His word to clearly show us right from wrong. He gives us fellow believers to help keep us in line. He gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us. Our job is to use these gifts as we follow Him and try to discern what He is directing us to do.

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Great summary of seeking God's will, Jill. It's so very important that we don't justify going against scripture.

Love to you... Jen