Monday, March 16, 2009

The Advantages of Being Sick

I woke up yesterday morning under the weather, not feeling well, okay, let’s face it, SICK. I felt horrible. I think I have gotten what Don has had for at least 2 weeks. I don’t know why I didn’t get it before now, and it’s not encouraging that he is still feeling bad more than 2 weeks later.

I had to miss church, which was a bummer. And we were going to play one of my favorite hymns, "Victory in Jesus," too.

But enough whining.

There are advantages of being sick. For example, both of my dogs took care of me. Dogs seem to have a sense about things like that, and they both stayed by my side all day long, being very sweet.

Don was nice to me too. Not that he isn’t usually, but when we first got married, he didn’t have much compassion for me when I was sick. One Sunday morning I woke up so sick I could hardly walk, and he said, "We’ll get you a barf bag to take to church." Needless to say, that didn’t go over too well with me. I don’t expect to be babied, but a little sympathy would be nice. Well, over the 3½ years we’ve been married, I’ve been working on him, like taking care of him when he is sick. He’s slowly learning.

Being sick also reminds me that I am basically fairly healthy and feel pretty good most of the time, but rarely take the time to be thankful for it, until it gets taken away from me for a few days.

Probably the biggest advantage of being sick is Thera-Flu. Now, I don’t take drugs very often, but when I’m sick and I can’t sleep, that is a very miserable thing. A few years ago a friend introduced me to Thera-Flu. You pour a powder into hot water and drink it. Within a half an hour you’re in la-la land. I only take it at night unless things are really bad, but if you ever take this during the day, plan on being out of commission for at least the next 3-4 hours.

Anyway, I feel a little better today, though still not up to par. I have a fairly busy workday, so I’m trying to get myself psyched for it. I have a weird schedule, so my plan is to go out and work a while this morning, come home and take a nap if needed, and then one more group late this afternoon. Hopefully I’ll survive.


Pam said...

Hope you feel better soon, Jill! :-)

Smelling Coffee said...

Hey Jill~ I pray that by now, you're feeling much better and well. Kudos to Don on the growth in "compassion" over the past 3 1/2 years! :-)