Friday, March 13, 2009

A Good Belly-Laugh

It’s been a hard week for a variety of reasons. Things have been very serious around our house.

When Don gets home from work, our routine is to all pile on the bed (the dogs included) and talk about our day. Yesterday we were still lamenting all that has happened this week, some of which I have blogged about.

Our dog Nash likes to stand on Don (back paws on the bed, front paws on Don’s chest). I call it his "king of the mountain" pose. Last night he was standing in that position, and he suddenly leaned down right into Don’s face and coughed. Not just a light cough, but a big, juicy one! It was disgusting, but somehow Don saw the humor in it, and we both started laughing hysterically. Then Nash, wanting to join in the fun, started chewing on Don’s beard. He keeps his beard short, so this is also a pretty funny thing to watch. We both laughed and laughed. Nash was enjoying entertaining us, and even Dasha, who hasn’t been feeling well, livened up and joined in the fun.

I think we’re all feeling better now. Sometimes we just need a good belly-laugh. And I'm thankful for Nash, who provides us with them regularly.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I'm glad you've been able to find a little levity at the end of a hard week...laughter does the heart good! : )