Friday, March 20, 2009


Well, Spring is officially here, definitely my favorite season, and it is just showing off everywhere. I took a few pictures this morning in my own yard and my neighbor's yards. There is just so much beauty to behold. I'm sure you have similar scenes in your yard, but I still wanted to share some of mine. It seems like the first colors of spring, besides green, are usually purple and yellow, but now I am starting to see some pinks, whites and other colors.

My neighbor Wanda's daffodils.

My neighbor Corky's henbits (I know these are technically weeds, but I think they look pretty when a whole yard is full of them.)

Also in Corky's yard: I don't know what kind of bush this is, but it sure is pretty.

My first tulip that is just about to open.

A robin gathering twigs for her nest (or maybe it's a he; I'm not sure).

I spotted the first violets of the season yesterday. I love their delicate beauty.

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