Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Night Out

I went out with my brother’s family last night. My mom volunteers with the Smyrna Police, so she was helping with the Night Out Against Crime that they had. We went by there and had dinner and checked out the booths. Unfortunately, a storm was brewing, so many of the things had to be shut down. We registered to win a free bicycle, which my mom was in charge of. We didn’t win. The kids got to get inside a police helicopter. Apparently, this is the latest trend in police cars. Haven’t seen one of these on the road yet. Afterward we went to a place my brother knew of where we could pick some fruit. I got 2 big bags full of apples and peaches. I’m planning to use the apples to make jelly (they serve as pectin for pepper jelly or mint jelly), and of course, make some Southern Fried Apples. I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do with the peaches. We’ve already had peach cobbler once this week made from some peaches a neighbor gave us. I’m sure I’ll figure something out though. It was a fun evening, and I found out later that my brother’s family went home to a surprise: baby guinea pigs! I had held the very-pregnant mother just before we left but didn’t go back in before I went home, so I missed them. Bummer. Hopefully I’ll get to see them soon.

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

What fun. Sorry the storm closed some things down. :-)