Monday, January 12, 2009

Filling Your Tank

We watched a video at the CBS retreat of a speaker named Wayne Cordeiro. One of the things he talked about was how we are all like tanks with an opening at the top and at the bottom. Some things fill our tanks and some things drain it. We must have a balance of things that fill and things that drain it on a regular basis or we will wear ourselves out, leading to more severe consequences in the long run.

He suggested we make a list of the things that fill our tanks and the things that drain them. Here is what I have come up with (in no particular order):

Things that Fill My Tank
Being by myself
Bible study
My dogs (when they are healthy and behaving)
Don (when things are going well between us which is, thankfully, most of the time)
Good fellowship with those I love

Things that Drain My Tank
Being with people
Don (when things aren’t going smoothly between us)
Sitting still for any extended length of time
Strife between people I’m close to, whether I’m directly involved or not
Cold weather

Other thoughts
- I think that junk food gives me a temporary false sense of a filled tank but actually drains it. So does spending mindless time on the computer.
- I got my tank filled this weekend at the retreat but afterward was ready to be home and spend some time by myself and with Don and the dogs.
- There is a fine line between some of the things that are on opposite lists.

The speaker suggested we have our spouse make a list too. Don didn’t write one out, but we talked about it. He likes to be by himself (we have a nicely laid out two-story house which makes this possible for us), and people drain him. The dogs fill his tank. Playing drums seems to do it for him, and he also likes to lay around and watch TV, especially "concert DVD’s. Financial worries drain him. When I started to talk about him filling/draining my tank, the conversation got a little too serious for him and he started making jokes, so I still don’t know what I do for his tank. I think serious conversation must drain his. Oh well.

What fills/drains your tank?

1 comment:

Angie said...

Fillers-Calm kids (mine) that play well together, hanging out with Adam with no obligations,close friends, food.

Drainers-kids (mine) that are fussing and arguing, arguing in general (conflict), hunger (spiritual and physical),commitments.

Thanks for sharing!