Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

I didn’t have Bible study today. Why? Because we go along with the local county schools, and they were closed. Why? The weatherman predicted snow. So even though it was raining this morning, all the public schools and most of the private schools were closed. To their credit, it did start snowing a little later, though, as you can see, it’s not sticking to the roads.

There is an interesting phenomenon about snow: it makes me want to eat. I’m not talking about grapefruit and green beans either. I want comfort food. I want to cook up something really good and satisfying, like brownies or apple pie. Possibly pizza.

I don’t think I am alone in this. Something funny happens in Nashville when they predict snow, besides the schools closing: all the grocery stores are jam-packed the day before. I sometimes wonder if the grocery store owners are in cahoots with the weather people, so when business is slow at the store they just get the weather people to predict snow.

The reason I think this is funny is that we are rarely snowed in for more than a few hours here, and the vast majority of people have enough food in their house to survive at least a couple of weeks. I think there is a fear (which I can relate to) of being stranded at home in the snow, even for a little while, without comfort food.

I’m trying to be good. I’ve been doing Weight Watchers faithfully for the past few weeks, and I don’t want to blow it. I’m working on a grapefruit right now, but brownies are calling me. If the snow continues, well, I may just have to make some. Hopefully Don will be home soon to help me eat them.


Angie said...

Here comes the snow...OH...there it goes! :-) I can relate to this blog for sure Jill. I was at the store yesterday, not because of the snow forcast, but because we were scraping the bottom of the barrel in the food department.
Have a good rest of the week.

Pam said...

We just had a snow day too. I already had to go to the grocery store anyway, and I went down the brownie isle thinking the same thing. But. I. Resisted. Yay!!! We ended with a snow day and a half. And that was fine. We enjoyed the unexpected down time in the middle of the week. It was fun. But now the house is quiet again. And that's ok too. : )