Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Night of Band

Last night was the first night of band practice (the official name is Cedar Creek Community Band). I am bad! I have never played flute in a concert setting, so I had nothing to really compare myself to before. Granted, I have only been playing for 3 years, and most of these other people have been playing for many years, but I am BAD! However, I’m not ready to give up. I’m going to have to practice A LOT, but I think it’s feasible that I can learn the music and at least play adequately. If I do, it will be a major accomplishment, and, I think, will dramatically improve my flute-playing skills. Did I mention that I am bad? I am.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

aww...don't be so hard on yourself. i am so proud of you for challenging yourself to learn something that most people (like me) only dream and talk about doing! keep it up, you rock!