Thursday, January 15, 2009

It’s COLD!

One of the things I love about Nashville is that we don’t have a lot of extremely cold weather, and I am definitely not a cold weather person. But there are exceptions. Like today. The high today: 19°; the low tonight: 3°. That might not seem so cold for some people, but it is for me!

I’ve blogged before about my herb garden. Most of my herbs are perennials, with a few annuals. Rosemary can be either, depending on how cold the winter is. It can usually survive all but the most extreme cold temperatures we have here. I’ve managed to get it through the last couple of winters, and it’s gotten pretty big. Here is what I have to do to it on a day like today:

Isn’t that pretty? I’m sure my neighbors are thrilled. But if I can get it through this and any other serious cold snaps we may have, it will likely make it through the winter.


Pam said...

I'm not crazy about the cold either. It just feels miserable to me... can't get warm enough. In the summer I can run a/c and wear shorts and a tank top..but in the winter, I'm bundled and still freeeezing. My husband always has a silly remark when I complain yet again that I don't like winter. "gee I didn't know that", he says.

:p I say! LOL

So, yeah.. I hear ya. Well.. maybe if your rosemary survives, you could make some rosemary scones and take them to your neighbor! : )

Melissa said...

I'm a fan of winter, but I'll tell you it's FRIGID........hope your rosemary makes it okay! Honestly I'm looking forward to Spring now!!