Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am supposed to get my new hard drive today, if all goes well. I haven't heard from Dell, which makes me a little nervous, but I'm still optimistic.

But this "computerlessness" has been a good thing in many ways. I had a lot more time on my hands to read and do other things that I don't do much of anymore. Going through withdrawal has made me realize how addicted I am to wasting time on my computer, despite my resolve not to. I haven't been completely without a computer, because I could still use Don's to check my e-mail and do the things I really needed to do, but I'm not tempted to sit at his for long periods of time and just vegetate in front of it.

Hopefully this will be a lesson to me. A computer should be a tool, not a companion. I'm really going to try to remember that when I have mine again.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I think that's great! : )

But I do hope yours is up and running soon!