Friday, May 1, 2009


For the second time recently, after listening to me rant, someone told me that I sounded like a libertarian. Then I went home and took a quiz on Facebook which said that’s what I was.

I wasn’t even sure exactly what libertarians believed, so I did a web search. I found this page, which explains it pretty well. It basically amounts to wanting a very small government where people live by their own standards.

I thought this through and discussed it with Don. It seems that this was more or less the way our country was run from its inception until around the 1960’s, when moral relativism set in. Since then, Scripture-based moral values and common sense have increasingly gone out the door.

I don’t think that with that background, libertarianism would work in this society. What we now have is a government that is making more and more laws, and which we are depending on more and more in the form of police protection, lawsuits, etc., to protect us from others who don’t have the same sense of morality that we have.

So, I guess a libertarian society is my ideal, but I don’t think it’s realistic at this point in history. I would like to think that revival will come and we could return to that way of government and life, but as long as there is no common set of morals in our society, I just don’t think it’s an option.

I certainly don’t think our current form of government is working either, so what it basically amounts to, in my opinion, is that spiritual revival will be vital in the very near future if our country is going to have any hope of continuing to be great.

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